Jetty 9 正式版来了!!!版本标签:Jetty 9.0.0.v20130308
Jetty 9 支持 SPDY 和 WebSocket。
Jetty 9.x 特性:
- Completely overhauled I/O layer
- Servlet API 3.0
- JSP 2.2
- SPDY/3
- WebSocket (RFC-6455)
移植到 Jetty 9.x 的要求:
- Requires Java 1.7 or newer.
- Jetty Maven Plugin has now been moved to org.eclipse.jetty groupId
- There is no org.mortbay or codehaus components
- Support for early WebSocket drafts has been dropped, only support released RFC-6455 spec.
- There now only 1 aggregate jar, called jetty-all.
- Bad UTF8 encoding will result in replacement characters being passed into the application to handle. (older versions of Jetty would fail the request)
- Removal of all traditional Socket (BIO) Connectors.
- Only supporting NIO for Connectors.
- Consolidated all of the various Deployment technique and scenarios into one.
- ContextDeployer and WebAppDeployer have been removed
- DeploymentManager has only 1 AppProvider now, the WebAppProvider
- WebAppProvider supports both Deployment Descriptors deployment and traditional Automatic WAR deployment.
- New Jetty Async Http Client
- New Jetty WebSocket Servlet & WebSocket Client
- A new Jetty XML DTD () changes the <Ref id=""> syntax in your Jetty XML to <Ref refid="">
- Removed Jetty6Continuation support